Hi, I'm Carla

Hi! I'm a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who's passionate about helping women with autoimmune disease and chronic conditions heal.

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4 Non-Toxic Food Storage Swaps


Are you still storing your food in plastic? It’s time for it to go! There are so many non-toxic and eco-friendly alternatives available today that there’s no reason to keep your food in toxic BPA and phthalates that are hazardous to your health. If you’re ready to ditch plastic for good, try some of my favorite non-toxic alternatives. 

Silicone Bags

One easy change to make is eliminating single-use plastics, like sandwich bags. I use reusable silicone bags made by Stasher. They are non-toxic and free of BPA, BPS, lead, latex, and phthalates (all the nasties!). They are safer for our bodies and the planet. 

According to Stasher:

Every day in the US, 20 million plastic sandwich bags go to landfills where it takes more than 500 years to break down. When they don’t reach landfills, they find their way to our rivers and oceans where plastics are killing marine life and poisoning the food supply for billions of people.”

If you haven’t tried Stasher bags, I highly recommend them. There are tons of sizes ranging from snack to half-gallon, and they come in tons of cute colors!

Glass Jars and Containers

Glass is a toxin-free, super versatile, and budget-friendly option. I like to store nuts, seeds, coffee, and various other things in mason jars and use them for meal prep.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is another non-toxic favorite of mine. It’s a great option because it’s durable and holds up in the dishwasher. It’s also less fragile than glass and makes for great lunch containers/lunch boxes. When I found out I had MTHFR (a gene mutation that makes it hard to detox from heavy metals), I cut out all aluminum in my kitchen and replaced it with stainless steel. I love my stainless steel baking sheets!

Beeswax Wrap

Have you guys heard of Bees Wrap?! It’s beeswax wrap made from sustainably managed hives and is terrific for covering bowls, wrapping snacks/sandwiches, etc. It’s non-toxic, washable, reusable, and even compostable. 

Aside from helping our bodies and our planet, these non-toxic plastic alternatives are reusable and will end up saving you money in the long run. It’s a win-win-win!

Are you ready to make the switch to a non-toxic lifestyle? I’d love to support you in your journey. Contact me to get started!