Hi, I'm Carla

Hi! I'm a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who's passionate about helping women with autoimmune disease and chronic conditions heal.

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Easy, No-Bake Protein Bites (Gluten + Dairy Free!)


Did you know that healthy, nutrient-dense snacks can improve your health and increase your energy throughout the day? 

It’s important to stock up on healthy snacks, but, unfortunately, many of the “healthy snacks” we see at the grocery store are deceiving. Even “paleo” and “vegan” snacks often contain a ton of added sugar and nasty ingredients. Those aren’t good for your body — and they won’t keep you full for very long.

When choosing snacks, I like to make sure I recognize every single ingredient so that I know exactly what I’m putting in my body. Most of the time, I try to stay away from packaged foods altogether and prepare my own healthy snacks in advance. One of my favorites is No-Bake Protein Bites. I love whipping up a batch of these tasty bites at the beginning of the week so that I have something on hand when the hunger strikes. They’re delicious, easy to make, and SO satisfying. I’ll switch it up based on the ingredients I have, but I always use some variation of this recipe (to be honest, it’s pretty hard to mess these up!). 

No-Bake Protein Bites (Gluten + Dairy Free) 

Combine the following in a bowl:

  • 1/2 cup nut butter
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour (my favorite gluten free flours are Bob’s Red Mill)
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup or honey
  • 2-3 tablespoons of seeds (hemp seeds are my fav, but you can use flax, chia, or a combo of all three)
  • Pinch of Himalayan sea salt
  • Add in dark chocolate chips, cacao nibs or protein powder if you’d like
  • Roll in unsweetened coconut

Put them in the fridge for at least 6 hours before eating — and enjoy! These stay well in the fridge for about five days. 

Are you interested in receiving customized healthy recipes selected just for you? Contact me to learn more about my personalized coaching services focused on whole-person wellness.